Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: Does Alpiq pursuit a net zero target ?
Question 1: Does Alpiq pursuit a net zero target ?
Yes, Alpiq pursuits a net zero target for scope 1 (direct greenhouse gas emissions from Alpiq’s power production) and 2 (indirect emissions from electricity consumption and district heating of majority shareholdings power plants, owned buildings and all-electric vehicles) until 2040.
Question 2: How does Alpiq measure its environmental impact?
Question 2: How does Alpiq measure its environmental impact?
As an energy producer, Alpiq is aware of its responsibilities regarding climate change. Limiting greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions is an important goal that Alpiq pursues and takes into account when making strategic decisions. To measure the environmental impact in this context, Alpiq calculates its greenhouse gas emissions yearly and discloses it in our Sustainability Report.
As part of the quality management applied to environmental issues, the monitoring of environmental incidents (without consequences on the environment) and accidents (with impact on the environment) was introduced in 2023 in the Business Unit Hydro Generation Switzerland. Environmental incidents and accidents are identified, consolidated and analysed with the dual aim of ensuring that the appropriate measures have been taken and that any feedback can then be used effectively.
Question 3: What steps is Alpiq taking to reduce carbon emissions?
Question 3: What steps is Alpiq taking to reduce carbon emissions?
We are taking effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas and other pollutant emissions both in our existing power plants and in our new power plant projects, such as developing an environmental policy and prioritising projects that enable H2 or biogas blending in our thermal power plants.
Question 4: What certifications or recognitions has Alpiq received for its sustainability efforts?
Question 4: What certifications or recognitions has Alpiq received for its sustainability efforts?
We ensure the quality, reproducibility and sustainability of our processes by adhering to the standards issued by the International Organisation for Standardisation, including ISO 14001 (environmental management system). In addition, our Plana del Vent combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant in Spain and our CCGTs in Novara, San Severo and Vercelli in Italy are certified by the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
Question 5: How does the company engage with stakeholders on sustainability issues?
Question 5: How does the company engage with stakeholders on sustainability issues?
Dialogue with shareholders is maintained via the Secretary of the Board and the Annual General Meeting, as well as through contact with the Board of Directors.
Exchange with the other stakeholder groups takes place with varying intensity and is highly dependent on the situation. We engage with stakeholders on particular topics through the specialists in our different departments and business units and our public and investor relations activities. For example, Alpiq is actively involved in professional associations through committees, commissions and working groups with the aim of working towards sustainable economic framework conditions for the Swiss electricity sector at the political and administrative levels. Alpiq is also in direct and continuous dialogue with political decision-makers (members of parliament, energy and environmental commissions) and government administration with the aim of mitigating and minimising risks and uncertainties in the political process.
Alpiq works closely with NGOs, particularly in infrastructure projects and on measures to mitigate the impact on the environment (e.g. close cooperation with WWF and Pro Natura in compensation measures relating to Nant de Drance).
Internal contact with employees is guaranteed through various channels and platforms for informal and formal direct dialogue. For example, interviews were conducted with various internal stakeholders regarding Alpiqʼs sustainability framework and reporting. Their feedback was crucial in the development of the framework, as Alpiq has set itself the goal of creating transparency and trust through comprehensive ESG reporting.
Question 6: What steps is Alpiq taking to ensure ethical labour practices in its value chain?
Question 6: What steps is Alpiq taking to ensure ethical labour practices in its value chain?
We attach particular importance to integrity and compliance when selecting our business partners. A Code of Conduct for Suppliers is an integral contractual component for supplier relationships, in order to ensure compliance with minimum standards. In addition, when dealing with business partners, Alpiq executes the internal company process “Know Your Counterparty” (KYC), which describes a part of the due diligence that serves to identify and screen Alpiq business partners. Screening is carried out according to an individual risk-based model, which takes into account sanctions, embargoes, negative news, identification of politically exposed persons and the perception of corruption in certain countries or industries, etc. In order to effectively fight money laundering, criminal activity, economic and financial crime and terrorism, Alpiq bases its KYC on international standards. This due diligence assessment aims to mitigate potential legal, financial, reputational and operational risks as compatible with Alpiq's risk appetite and should provide the business with evidence that the counterparties under review continue to be monitored by the system for material changes.
The main good that Alpiq produces is electricity in its own power plants. In terms of the actual production, there is little to no risk for Alpiq with regards to child labour given the geographical nature of its power plants. There is a residual risk as described in the ILO-IOE Child Labour Guidance Tool for Business. This can be described as follows: Alpiq neither causes nor contributes to a child labour impact, but there may be an impact linked to the generation of electricity caused by a supplier of goods to Alpiq which are needed for the production of electricity. Alpiq adheres to the principles stipulated in its Code of Conduct for Suppliers, endeavors to enforce them in its supply chain, and intends to review its Code of Conduct for Suppliers and the associated risk assessment throughout 2024.
Question 7: What sustainable products or services does Alpiq offer?
Question 7: What sustainable products or services does Alpiq offer?
Alpiq has a diverse national and international power generation portfolio from renewable resources, which comprise hydropower, wind and photovoltaics. Alpiq is increasingly focusing on flexibility and storage projects, as these are complementary to the growing production of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) assets, which are irregular. Thus, flexibility assets have a significant positive impact on the speed of decarbonisation of the overall energy system and support the energy transition objectives. In addition, Alpiq continues to push for the development of local renewable energy in Switzerland in line with the Confederationʼs 2050 energy targets.
The focus of Alpiqʼs Origination business is on risk management solutions for third-party assets on both upstream and downstream agreements. This covers short-term flexibility management, risk management services for industrial customers, sales activities to end consumers (mainly in France) and power purchase agreements (PPA) to asset operators and customers. Through the PPA business in particular, Alpiq is making a decisive contribution by enabling investors and other asset owners to de-risk and sustain their investments in renewable assets as well as by enabling industrial customers to decarbonise their value chain.