As an owner or producer of renewable energy, the framework conditions increasingly require you to commercialise your production on the wholesale market. Our knowledge of the electricity market in Europe enables us to ensure the profitable marketing of your energy and manage the uncertainties related to the intermittent nature of generation or to price fluctuations.
We offer services for the management of stochastic renewables such as wind farms and solar systems as well as for flexible and controllable assets such as biogas.

Your benefits
- No own energy market competence or infrastructure necessary
- Plant-specific pricing
- Tailor-made marketing models (fixed prices, lower price limits, market access only)
- Safe budget planning with fixed prices in EUR/MWh
- Avoidance of risks due to forecasting errors or peak balancing energy prices
- Customer portal with real-time feed-in, forecasts and relevant market information

As a plant operator, marketing electricity production from renewable energies confronts you with major challenges in terms of production forecasts, price development, control energy costs and marketing the generated power.
Risk-free sale of the energy you produce
Our direct marketers, asset managers and energy traders know the specific national regulations all over Europe and maximise the revenue of your power production from renewable energies. Contact us and receive an offer tailored to your needs.
Our services
- Direct marketing on the basis of specific national legal frameworks
- Attractive long-term power purchase agreements
- Innovative solutions for the operation of wind and solar plants whose feed-in tariff have expired or for new projects without feed-in tariffs
- Tailor-made analysis of production fluctuations and forecast errors
- Individualised cost and revenue optimised feed-in strategies
- Reliable market analyses and price forecasts
- Marketing of proof-of-origin and capacity certificates
- Support in the implementation of new legal requirements