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Dynamic energy trading on a volatile electricity market

Trading conventional energies is becoming more challenging and the financial pressure on owners and operators of power plants is increasing. The growing number of decentralised generation units increases the volatility of the energy markets. Our energy traders utilise these dynamics and minimise your risks – around the clock and on all European energy exchanges. Our large product portfolio lets us tailor energy trading to your needs.

Electricity trading on all European markets

We are active in about 30 countries and provide a European portfolio of extraordinary size. As a link between liquid and illiquid markets, Alpiq also offers you the option of trading non-standardised products at customised conditions. Specialising in optimisation and flexibility marketing, we open up attractive revenue potentials for you and make risk management easier for you.

Our trading activities

Commodity trading

Our focus lies on electricity and natural gas and the associated certificate markets. However, we also trade in all other energy commodities, including oil products and coal, as well as EECS certificates (European Energy Certificate System). Our highly flexible and versatile electricity generation portfolio makes us especially strong in trading flexibility.

Short-term trading & optimisation

Thanks to our strong position in short-term and cross-border trading, you can also profit from the rapidly increasing importance of spot and intraday trading on the European energy markets and maximise the value of complex, heterogeneous asset-backed and non-asset-backed portfolios. We provide you with access to our digital intraday platform, on which you can optimise the value of your assets almost in real-time.

Forward trading & optimisation

As a long-established wholesaler, we have unique expertise and exceptional skills in creating marketing models. With our established portfolio size we can offer you any prices and structured products.

Trading and procuring electricity and gas securely

We offer a number of solutions that help to manage your market risks in electricity and gas trading and maximise the value of your energy portfolio. Our reliable, long-lasting relationships with our business partners and our activities in all important European exchanges, trading platforms, and wholesale markets allow us to develop almost any energy solution you can think of.

Our products

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