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Balance group management for lower balancing costs

Reduce your balancing energy costs and secure the supply of electricity to your customers. We manage the balance group for power producers, energy suppliers and resellers and also ensure a high level of stability in the electricity grid.

Trade in different markets throughout Europe with Alpiq

Our balance group and sub-balance group management enables you to engage in cross-border trade with other balance groups, receive additional power capacities, and ensure a secure supply for your customers. Thanks to the great diversity of our managed balance groups, you benefit from portfolio effects, minimise your balancing costs, and reduce your operative expenses.

Our services

  • Precise analysis of load profile data and generation of load profile forecasts

  • Schedule management and nomination of energy schedules to grid operators in Europe

  • Implementation of clearing processes

  • Option to reduce balancing energy using post scheduling  

  • Option for block exchange reports

  • Use of AI to analyse data sources and forecasts

Your benefits

  • Trade with other domestic and foreign balance groups  

  • High quality positioning in day ahead and Intraday forecasting

  • Individual, cost-effective quotes

  • Contact partner available 24/7

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is a balance group?

A balance group is a virtual structure for invoicing, accounting, and energy capacity planning. It includes all the consumers and production units that are to be balanced. The goal is to prevent production excesses and shortfalls as much as possible and to reduce balancing energy expenses.

Why should I participate in balance group management?

Every energy supplier must set up a balance group. The greater the number of participants in a group, the lower their balancing energy expenses. Thanks to our large portfolio, we are able to balance your fluctuations both within a balance group and with other balance groups and reduce your costs.

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