Effective immediately, our company’s presence will feature a fresh brand identity and honed purpose – also online: “Together for a better climate and an improved security of supply”. We collaborated with Jung von Matt BRAND IDENTITY to refresh our brand in a way that makes the results of this transformation visible and tangible, both internally and externally.
As a company, Alpiq has undergone an ongoing transformation over the course of the past 15 years. When our CEO Antje Kanngiesser took office in 2021, we began to scrutinise our own identity and assess our trajectory going forward. The result: We underwent a process that transformed our traditional corporation into a strongly purpose-driven organisation that focuses on sustainable business in the three dimensions of “people, planet, profit”. The security of supply – another urgent issue – was strengthened at the same time. With this clear stance, we worked together with Jung von Matt BRAND IDENTITY to develop a brand identity that makes the strategy emotionally tangible – establishing clarity and unleashing new energy at the same time.

Brand promise as catalyst
Our new brand promise – A different kind of energy – succinctly expresses our objective. “This promise is the guiding principle that guides all decision-making at Alpiq,” explains Julius Jäger, Executive Strategy Director at Jung von Matt BRAND IDENTITY. “It’s all about leaving rigid, traditional approaches behind and embracing what makes you different – everything that radiates your energy and responsibility – to work together with the employees and partners to break new ground. That means this promise also stands for a different culture and a new experience for employees and customers alike.” Central to this is the understanding of how the attribute “different” takes hold on us as Alpiq. Because if it is tangible both internally and externally, the brand promise becomes an all-embracing catalyst for our transformation and innovation in the energy sector.

Honed purpose, stronger values
At the heart of this identity is a honed and compelling purpose: “Together for a better climate and an improved security of supply”. This sentence succinctly expresses Alpiq’s core purpose. It shines a light on the conflicting priorities that arise in our day-to-day activities and – together with specific, seminal values like “We learn and grow together” or “We share the steering wheel” – lays the foundation for our strategic alignment. “Our values and purpose serve as our compass for how and why we do something and drive Alpiq’s transformation forward. Our new brand identity builds on this,” comments Tobias Fässler, Head of Communications & Public Affairs. “The colours we use were inspired by the nature surrounding the power plants where we produce electricity. They reflect the source of our hydropower in the mountains.”
Holistic brand identity
We collaborated closely with Jung von Matt BRAND IDENTITY to create a coherent brand identity that reflects this new understanding. The purpose, values and promise were translated to a characteristic design, a succinct corporate language, dynamic motion guidelines and a distinct sound brand (created in collaboration with why do birds, an audio branding agency in Berlin). The sound is composed of elements from the realms of nature, people and technology. Our power plants, turbines and generators provide the sound’s baseline, resulting in an authentic “Sound of Alpiq”. International roadshows made the transformation tangible for all employees at all locations. The introduction of the employer value proposition (EVP), which was developed at the same time, will intensify this even further.
The brand is also made tangible through its digital identity, which Jung von Matt TECH implemented in the company’s new website design. For the development of the new website we collaborated with our trusted partner hmmh multimediahaus AG. The new digital visual identity brings modern and functional web design together with the brand’s core values and employs an intuitive user interface, unique visuals and dynamic interaction to convey Alpiq’s new brand identity.
“The new brand identity succinctly expresses everything that Alpiq currently stands for,” explains CEO Antje Kanngiesser, and adds: “It not only hones our public profile but also inspires our employees to actively help shape the energy future and develop innovative solutions for the challenges of our age.”
We – as Alpiq – are currently a modern, international power producer and energy service provider with employees from over 60 nations that are dedicated to ensuring a secure electrical power supply and the rapid integration of renewable energies into the energy system. And we do everything in our power to make this a reality – every single day.